Recent photoRecent photo December 21, 2016 tarzan Comments 0 CommentRecent variegated Phyllostachys arcana ‘Luteosulcata’ seedlingWhat do you think of this post?Interesting (1)Awesome (0)Useful (0)Boring (0)Sucks (0)Related posts:Late snow in the end of AprilApril 28, 2016Culm color of variegated Luteosulcata seedling (1)February 14, 2017Moso shooting 2016April 9, 2016How to Feed Venus Flytrap SeedlingsFebruary 20, 2017Phyllostachys arcana 'Luteosulcata' seedlings at 5 monthsMarch 13, 2016Rhizomes of young Phyllostachys arcana seedlingsSeptember 2, 2017Drosera capensisFebruary 9, 2015Drosera sp. Pretty Rosette from seedsMarch 4, 2017